Coaching with Carrie Davis

Book Reviews

I love to share resources that have been helpful to me on the parenting journey!

Parent Coaching

Through parent coaching you can set goals for your family and your home life improve.

Teen Coaching

Coaching can help your child determine where they are headed and adjust course in order to accomplish their goals.

Parent Groups

What is Coaching?

Who is Coaching For?

Coaching is for you if you feel stuck and would like help uncovering the path forward as you parent the teen (s) in your home. As you work through the coaching steps, you will gain confidence in your ability to relate to your teen in a positive way as well as experiencing positive change in the way you interact which will allow you to enjoy having them around.

Relationship Is Key

When your teen feels connected to you and supported by you, they will respond to you  much better. It is so easy to allow anger and bitterness set the tone for years to come, but you can make the choice to jump out of that cycle of pain. Doing all that you can do to maintain love and respect (you can only control you) when dealing with your teen will pay off later on! 

Personality Makes A Difference

Gaining some background knowledge into the human personality and how it affects our relationships will prove to be very valuable as you relate to your child. Tools such as the Enneagram can help us understand our core motivation as well as give us glimpses into why your teen does the things they do.

Maintaining Healthy Technology Habits

Your family can put technology to good use, not letting technology run the family. Learn to set reasonable boundaries with less battling. We can’t afford to just go with the flow in this area!

We All Need Spiritual Leadership

Kids who grow up in church are choosing to take a break from attending church after high school at rates of about 60% or more (Lifeway Research, 2019). Walking out your faith with teens looks different than when they were younger, but it is still important to incorporate rhythms of spiritual disciplines as a part of family life during these years. 

My Young Adult Faces Unique Challenges

Whether it is ADHD, autism spectrum, adopted or foster children, social anxiety, learning challenges, etc., these things can make the approach to adulthood that much more turbulent. Coaching can help you process what your child needs from you and what they need to rise up to on their own (Coaching cannot diagnose or treat these challenges, it can only add a form of support for your family).

My Approach

I believe that God designed family to reflect servant leadership and community. I also believe that he handpicked us to raise the young people in our homes. You are the parent for the job! It is so easy to lose sight of the big family picture, and where we want to be in 10 years. My hope is to bring you back to the big picture of your hopes for your family. While I know that the family unit will never look perfect this side of heaven, we can enjoy sweet grace in the meantime.

How It Works

FREE 20 Minute Introductory Conversation

This conversation is an opportunity to talk over your situation and hopes with Carrie, and to also hear more about how coaching can help you. Take a step in a new direction and reach out today!


1 hr Coaching Call

During your call Carrie will guide you through a series of questions designed to bring you to a clearer understanding of what is causing disruption in the home, you will leave with 3 action steps that will get you moving toward restoration.  



3 Session Package to be Spread Out Over 3 Months

Each of the 3 sessions will focus on a different area of relating to your teen as a parent. These areas can range from understanding personalities, screen time issues, spiritual leadership in the home and more. You will come away from each session with practical steps to begin applying right away. 



4 Session Package – Every Other Week for 2 Months

These sessions are designed more for zeroing in on one area over two months. The sessions are closer together to allow for a more concentrated effort in that area of the relationship. 



All sessions available over zoom, phone, or in person.

For more information, please fill out the inquiry below and I can answer any questions you have!


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