Carrie Davis

Parent / Teen Coach

Growing relationships to full potential

I’m Carrie Davis, and I am passionate about family.

My Story

For over twenty years I have been leading and mentoring pre-teens and teens. Along with this there have been many opportunities for me to connect with their parents as well and be an advocate for family relationships. For the last seven years I have been working for the school district in my community. This has also reinforced my interest in coming alongside parents as their children approach the adolescent years. Over the course of these different roles, my desire to support parents and their teens grew and I wanted to gain additional background knowledge in order to offer coaching to families. In 2020 I completed a B.S. degree in Behavioral Health/Adolescent Disorders from Grand Canyon University as well as obtaining Coach Licensing from Go + Tell Gals. I also work out of my personal journey of raising three of my own children ranging from 13 to 19 years old, so I can relate to the ups and downs of navigating life with teens.

My Values & Beliefs

Humility wins the day.

Relationship inspires respect.

Live the character you want to see in them.

Why Coaching?

 My passion is to help parents of teens know that they are not alone in their journey. A quote from C.S. Lewis referring to this journey says, “Friendship is born at that moment when one person says to another: “What! You too? I thought I was the only one.”” Often times parenting teens can feel isolating, and it seems you might be the only one experiencing the painful loss of connection with your child. As someone who is still navigating these years in my own home, I can honestly relate to where you are. We all get tripped up along the way in the journey of raising kids, and we need someone to help us get brushed off, set our eyes back on the path, and move forward. I am here to help you end the cycle of conflict and get you moving forward with your teen.

Start Restoring the Connection in Your Family Today!