If I am totally honest, the last year or so has started to have an affect on my joy. Each of us has our different ways of processing all that is going on, but I am guessing it has affected you in some noticeable ways as well. There have been many times where I have thought that this limbo I have felt could be a mini version of what it means to live in the tension we feel as creatures passing through this life and not yet in the perfection that will be heaven. I have heard it referred to as the ‘now & not yet’. In the same way that we want to make the most of our life here on earth (even though it is a small blip in eternity) I want to make the most of this time of uncertainty that we are in. In many ways I feel like I am on pause during this time, which can dim one’s enthusiasm for all that life has to offer. As I move through it, I am becoming more convinced that we can find our hope and joy during any challenging time we find ourselves in. 

What does this have to do with parenting? So much!! As we lead our children or young adults, we set the tone at home. If you are filled with hope and joy, it will not only increase the security they feel, but it will also encourage them to go to the same source for their hope and joy. I have noticed that when I am too tethered to concerns of what lies ahead, current news stories, or social media angst, I am less attentive to my home and family. I don’t think the answer is to put my head under a rock and not care what is going on outside of my home, but there needs to be a balance that puts our family life ahead of those other things. 

Daily Encouragement

The Bible provides the best inspiration. It can be helpful to share what is encouraging to you with your family. We have a family group text, and I use that about once a week to post an encouraging Bible verse.

Time for Calming Your Soul

My personality type is one that tends to hold on to the tension around me internally in order to bring an appearance of peace externally. I am learning that I need alone time to work out my thoughts at a slower pace. Whatever your personality type, it is good take time to find a practice that is calming and allows you to process all that is around you.

Celebration of Seasons & Milestones

Maybe it is just me, but I have found it difficult to be as excited as usual about celebrating things. It is like my wonder is dulled and life is on pause. As we head into fall, my desire is to get back to celebrating the beauty around me, and being present in the little moments I would usually celebrate. 

Prayer & Praise

My nature will fight each of these things, so my only hope of succeeding in them is to submit the concerns of the day to God in prayer. When I spend time not only telling Him my worries or concerns, but also praising Him for what he has done in our lives, I am reassured that He is with us no matter what happens in the world. If it is hard to get time to yourself in your home, I have found a drive can be the best way to make it happen. It reminds me of the lyrics of the old hymn “Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in HIs wonderful face, And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace.”

Would you join me in these steps of restoring hope and joy in our daily lives? I am anticipating peace in my soul as I look to the one who brings us hope. I expect our hope & joy during these times will increase if we can commit to a life of these daily rhythms!  

– Carrie